Civil Contractors, Queensland

“We thrive on tackling jobs that others shy away from, with the expertise that only years on the big jobs can bring"

Clement Kelly, Founder & Director

Why Oakridge Services

Employee Wellbeing

Work-life balance is key. At Oakridge Services, we work to live, not live to work and we are constantly striving to maintain the positive emotional, mental and physical well being of all our staff & their families.

Safety First, Always

People are our number one priority. We want everyone to get home safely at the end of each day. We engage our staff in ongoing training to ensure that safety is always at the forefront of every decision we make during our working day.

Integrity & Relationships

Honesty is the soul of our business. Communication and mutual respect has got us where we are today. The relationship with clients and our staff is at the core of our business model and we pride ourselves on our low staff turnover and loyal returning clients.


Everything we do influences our environment. Our planet is our future; every day we work, our actions have an impact on the environment and the local community. We will always consider this effect and ensure it has as minimal an impact as possible.

Areas of Expertise

Bulk Earthworks

Oakridge Services have been involved in and are capable of, all kinds of earthworks of different sizes and scales.

Adding or removing, compacting and modifying of the earth layers to suit the area and levels of land fit for construction purpose is one of our areas of expertise.

Water & Waste Water Treatment

At Oakridge Services we have a long history of being engaged in WTP & WWTP works.

This includes building new components of a WWTP and refurbishments of the existing infrastructure to treat waste and sewer water, making it more environmentally friendly and suitable for discharge. Some components of treatment plants we are experienced in include building pump stations, pipeline and supporting structures, electrical conduits, aeration, disinfecting and settling tanks and various kind of concrete slab and sheds.

Conduit Installation

The installation of electrical conduits and pits of different sizes are another area we specialise in.

We have vast experience in the preparation of trenches of different types and profiles to suit the requirements of varying ground conditions.

This includes bedding sand, wrapping of conduits to transfer heat away effectively and to install appropriate signage to meet safety requirements.


Water & Sewer

Over our years of business, we have gained immense experience in the refurbishment, replacement and installation of a variety of different sizes of water main, raising main and storm-water pipes. Installation of pits are also something we have confidence and expertise in installing.

In addition, general surface drain systems, large scale overland flow storm water pipelines and industrial and residential drainage systems installation, are all in our field of expertise to divert water away.

Words From Our Clients

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